Armchair Kiq Sled - Bree's New World
Kiq Armchair Sled Breesnewworld Design Armchair
Easy chair Kiq
Easy chair Kiq

Armchair Kiq Sled

Armchair Kiq Slede: a compact, light armchair for the modern living room. read more

Bold designs
Dutch Blue2
Production in The Netherlands
Pin Blue2 1
Showroom in Vlaardingen

Product information

Armchair Kiq Slede: a compact, light armchair for the modern living room.

The sale of this easy chair is done exclusively through the retailer. We are happy to help you find a Bree's New World dealer in your area. Please fill in below Contact Form in. You can also find inspiration in our own Bree's New World showroom in Vlaardingen, where you can view and test an extensive selection of our collection of design furniture. You're welcome!


For questions or to find a Bree's New World dealer in your area, please contact us!




Leather, fabric or a combination of leather and fabric


Sled: epoxied
Epoxy colours: anodic brown, anthracite, beige, white or black

Slider / cap

Plastic glider or felt glider

Dimensions (cm)

Width: , Depth: , Height: , Seat depth: , Seat height:
Armrest height: